Our future also and above all depends on our ability to look the world and its contradictions in the eye and to fight them, each according to its possibilities. In light of all this, we decided to create a non-profit association, DOT - Do One Thing, which in 2013 received official governmental recognition from the Lombardy Region.
Mission of the association
In line with our core business and making use of our unique expertise, we support and develop solidarity initiatives aimed at reducing today’s great paradoxes and spreading education within a social context, as well as advancing the development of human capital through the spread of a managerial and corporate culture based on promoting merit, broad-based entrepreneurship and orientation towards innovation as the absolutely necessary foundation for both corporate and individual growth.
We want to contribute to creating and developing a “sustainable environment” through modifying our behavior, identifying different ways of working and purchasing, and searching for innovative solutions and ideas while at the same time pursuing goals to improve the ways and conditions under which we work and the quality of life of The European House - Ambrosetti community.
- Supporting non-profit associations active in the social sphere by making available our unique expertise;
- Contributing to promoting and supporting the growth of the younger generation through identifying initiatives that enhance their development and aid them in finding new opportunities;
- Committing to developing a managerial culture that promotes and develops human capital and draws inspiration from merit-based criteria;
- Fostering and promoting orientation towards entrepreneurship and innovation;
- Contributing to spreading respect for diversity—whether involving gender, culture or ethnic background—through the identification and development of initiatives with other organizations and institutions (associations, universities, schools, etc.) active in these areas;
- Contributing to building a sustainable environment by identifying solutions and ways of working that minimize environmental impact;
- Committing to identifying solutions that can improve efficiency and quality of life in the workplace in order to reorient resources to activities and initiatives with greater added value.
The Committee
The association is animated by a Committee that remains in office for three years and is made up of people belonging to different age groups and who have different responsibilities within us.
Milena Schiavi | Marina Mira | Daniele Leoni |
Roberta Braccio | Ines Lundra | Diana d'Isanto |
How can you help

Become a member
Become a member by making a minimum annual contribution of €50IBAN IT41-H-05034-56841-000000003436 (but there are no limits to how much you can contribute!)
You will receive a custom DOT t-shirt.
5x1000 devolution on your tax return
Support the DOT - Do One Thing association through the 5X1000 devolution on your tax return.
A simple gesture that costs you nothing but which certainly helps in providing support to our association.
The tax code to include on your tax return or to give your tax preparer is CF 97646130159.
The voluntary tax donations (5x1,000) that have been received as of 2021:
Your voluntary tax donation (5x1,000) for fiscal year 2021 in the amount of €2.558.01 was received on December 16, 2022 and has been allocated as indicated in the statement.
Read the document
Your voluntary tax donation (5x1,000) for fiscal year 2020 in the amount of €5,458.45 was received on October 29, 2021 and has been allocated as indicated in the statement.
Read the document
Your voluntary tax donation (5x1,000) for fiscal year 2019 in the amount of €5,399.47 was received on October 10, 2020 and has been allocated as indicated in the statement.
Read the document
Your voluntary tax donation (5x1,000) for fiscal year 2018 in the amount of €4,446.21 was received on July 30, 2020 and has been allocated as indicated in the statement.
Read the document.
Your voluntary tax donation (5x1,000) for fiscal year 2017 in the amount of €4,584.38 was received on August, 7 2019 and has been allocated as indicated in the statement.
Read the document.
Your voluntary tax donation (5x1,000) for fiscal year 2016 in the amount of €2,761.88 was received on August, 16 2018 and has been allocated as indicated in the statement.
Read the document.
Your voluntary tax donation (5x1,000) for fiscal year 2014-2015 in the amount of €3.682,87 was received on August, 11 2017 and has been allocated as indicated in the statement.
Read the document.
Your voluntary tax donation (5x1,000) for fiscal year 2014 in the amount of €3.181,54 was received on December, 13 2017 and has been allocated as indicated in the statement.
Read the document.
Volunteer work
Support the association by contributing ideas and projects!
Write to ambrosetti@ambrosetti.eu
TEHA: our social commitment
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