Series of three online meetings on the subject of the Family/Business relationship, organized in collaboration with Banca Finnat
- The first event: scheduled for September 29 (starting at 5:30 p.m.), will feature Alberto Albertini, author of the book “La classe avversa” (The adverse class), who will describe his negative experience linked to the subject of the generational succession in his own family’s company.
- The second event: scheduled for October 6 (starting at 5:30 p.m.), will include among the speakers Alberto Zanatta, Chairman of Tecnica Group, who will report on the success of one generational succession.
- The third event: scheduled for October 28 (starting at 5:30 p.m.), will discuss the entrance of the owner's children into the company, and will feature the experience of Massimiliano Podini of the Podini Group.
For further info and registration
Ilaria Colombo: ilaria.colombo@ambrosetti.eu

Luca Petoletti
Partner; Head of Family Business and Governance Practice