The 8th Food&Beverage Forum
Bormio, June 7-8, 2024
TEHA Club's Food&Beverage Community held the national Forum of the 2023-2024 edition in June, with panel discussions and engaging meetings between industry business leaders and relevant institutions.
The Forum - "La Roadmap del futuro per il Food&Beverage: quali evoluzioni e quali sfide per i prossimi anni?" ("The Roadmap of the future for Food&Beverage: Which developments and challenges for the coming years?") - took place on June 7 and 8, 2024 in Bormio (Province of Sondrio, Lombardy, Italy) to reflect on the strategic role of the agrifood supply chain for the country's resilience and competitiveness at a time of great uncertainty and complexity
Over the course of the two-day event, there were several panels, featuring the Top Management of the Italian food supply chain and the country's Modern Distribution. We discussed the excellence of Made in Italy products and how to collaborate between the different players of the supply chain to promote them in Italy and abroad; the role of catering and food service in the new scenario and the expected evolutions; how we will eat in the coming years, also in light of the impacts of climate change and the new international framework; the combination of food, sport and health, and the role of food education in promoting healthy and sustainable lifestyles.
The event was also an opportunity to share the updated snapshot on the contribution of the agrifood supply chain to the competitiveness of the country – in terms of employment, Value Added, international projection and primates – emphasizing the importance of some key elements: food, health, sports, and sustainable and circular transition of the supply chain.
Learn about the Community's spinoff Community Agrifood&Beverage - Regione Puglia
Position Papers
Past editions
National Community's Partners

Agrifood&Beverage Community - Puglia
In 2023, TEHA launched a territorial spinoff of the F&B Community in Puglia (Apulia), in order to promote and boost the Apulian agri-food sector, a strong driver of growth for the entire country, and to analyse existing challenges and opportunities.
The Community's members have so far partaken in a number of Round Tables and private meetings to create content, scenarios, and reports on the Region's agri-food chain.
- May 5, 2023: "The European agri-food sector: challenges and strategic impacts on the national and regional supply chain", with Paolo De Castro (Member of the Commission for Agriculture and Rural Development)
- November 20, 2023: "Opportunities for the Made in Puglia brand: how to promote local products in Italy and worldwide", with Alberto Auricchio (Auricchio), Armando De Nigris (De Nigris Group), Maurizio Forte (ICE), Francesco Pugliese (Confcommercio)
- February 20, 2024: "Beyond the supply chain crisis: logistic and infrastructural challenges for the territorial agri-food sector", with Francesco Cacciapuoti (Mercitalia Logistics), Ugo Patroni Griffi (Authority of Harbour System of the South Adriatic Sea), Sergio Prete (Authority of the Harbour System of the Ionian Sea), Francesco Pugliese (Confcommercio), Riccardo Rigillo (Department for the Civil Protection and the Policies of the Sea)
- April 10, 2024: "The relationship between Industry and Modern Distribution: looking for new directions"
- June 26, 2024: Annual Forum, "The Agrifood Puglia Model for Made in Italy: developments and challenges, beyond national borders"
- October 1, 2024: "The role of the M&A market to support the efficiency of the agri-food chain"
Agrifood&Beverage Community's Forum - Regione Puglia
Bari, June 26, 2024
"The Agrifood Puglia Model for Made in Italy: evolutions and challenges, beyond national borders" Forum was held in Bari on June 26, 2024 to present the results of the work carried out with the Apulian business community, in the form of a Strategic Report that highlights the economic and social value generated by the regional agri-food chain, as well as the strengths and weaknesses and opportunities and threats for the coming years, with a focus on Made in Italy and internationalisation.
The programme covered the following topics:
- The excellence of the territory and the commitment of European, national and regional institutions
- The new horizons of the strategic relationship between Industry and Modern Distribution
- The winning strategies for the internationalization of Made in Italy and the phenomenon of Italian Sounding
- The value of tourism and communication for food and wine in Italy
- Innovation, technologies and sustainability for a food & beverage sector 4.0
- The role of finance to support the evolution of the food & beverage supply chain
For further information:
Apulian Community's Partners

Silvia Lovati
Associate Partner; Head of TEHA Club