September 2-3-4, 2016 42nd edition
Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy 2016

Its international scope is the most significant aspect of the Forum The European House-Ambrosetti organizes each year in September at Villa d’Este in Cernobbio. The event, held each year since 1975, is entitled Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy and brings together an array of speakers of the highest level from the world of politics, academia, government and business, from across the globe.
Speaking points from the Forum
- The numbers of the 42nd edition of the Forum – Infographic (It.)
- The true measure of a country’s attractiveness – Welcoming Remarks by Valerio De Molli
- Crises in the Middle East: A Saudi Perspective – Speech by Prince Turki Al-Faisal
- Entrepreneurship, Leadership, and Startup Regions – Speech by Shimon Peres
- Message of the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella to the participants
- Empowering Europe’s investability: Key findings of the research study – Presentation by Esko Aho
- Improving the Justice System and Fighting Corruption – Presentation by Carlo Nordio
- The impact of the reforms on businesses and the public – Presentation by Nicola Rossi
- Global Attactiveness Index – Presentation by Enrico Giovannini
Papers and Studies
- What we have learned from Israel. Points for thought from the Ambrosetti Club Innovation and Technology Community Ambrosetti Club Economic Indicator
- Global Attractiveness Index – Report 2016
- The impacts of reforms in the PA, Jobs Act, banking and credit sector and constitutional reform on businesses and the public – Ambrosetti Club Study
- Improving the Justice System and Fighting Corruption – Ambrosetti Club Study
- Empowering Europe’s investability. Policy recommendations for relaunching investments towards Europe and the role of the energy sector and digitalisation
- Working Paper – Ireland from tiger to phoenix
- Position Paper – Poland a sustainable transformation to a leading economy
National and International Press Review
The Forum
- Day One is normally dedicated to major global issues of a predominantly economic, geopolitical and scientific/technological nature.
- Day Two focuses on Europe and enjoys the presence of officials and representatives of all major European institutions who take part in discussions around the most pressing issues facing the European Union.
- And finally, Day Three is dedicated to Italy with the presence of representatives of the Italian government, officials and numerous leading figures from the world of business and finance.
Forum partecipants
What makes the Forum special
Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy
An annual event of international scope and prestige. Heads of state and government, top representatives of European institutions, ministers, Nobel prize winners, businessmen, managers and experts from around the world have been meeting every year since 1975 to discuss current issues of major impact for the world economy and society as a whole.