Senior Partner of The European House - Ambrosettiand Head of the Scenarios and Intelligence Practice of TEHA Group. Member of the Board of TEHA Group.
He is also the head of the group’s international development.
He is active in projects involving top management, strategy and internationalization for large companies and multinationals, and manages international think thanks and advisory boards and working communities involved in the issues of growth and competitiveness, including: innovation and the digital economy, infrastructure and mobility, public sector and authorities, educational and training systems, cooperation for development and international relations, tourism and sustainability.
He has led numerous projects to define the strategic outlook of broad-ranging territorial systems, production diversification and attracting investment on a national and international level. He was the director of the Observatory on the attractiveness of Italy, its regions and provinces for foreign direct investment inflows.
He has in-depth expertise in advisory and policymaking activities, advocacy and public affairs. Since 2006, he has been working with a number of African and Asian countries to design projects involving economic and industrial development and international relations, and he is the head of the High Level Dialogue on ASEAN Italy Economic Relations which, each year, brings together over 500 CEOs and heads of government from Italy and southeast Asian countries.
He has overseen and authored over 100 publications and studies on themes involving macro-economics, strategy and sector development. He is also the author of specialist publications and articles.
In the past, he was involved in process reorganization for Ernst&Young, and in business risk analysis in the banking sector and with Unicredit. He has also collaborated with the Institute for Economic and Social Research.
He graduated cum laude in Banking, Financial and Insurance Economics, specializing in the Economics of financial institutions and markets at the Università Cattolica del S. Cuore in Milan. He has a Masters in Business strategy and management, awarded cum laude from the SDA Bocconi – School of Management.