The culture of the only future possible
The challenge of the right transition is unprecedented
According to the most recent OECD estimates, to keep global warming under 2”C, more than $7.4 trillion will need to be invested each year until 2030. In the meantime, governments and institutions are launching contradictory messages about how and when to complete the sustainable transition by declaring ambitious goals but procrastinating about how to achieve them.
As a result, while society pushes for change despite being poorly informed and reluctant to pay for it, companies find themselves at a crossroads: whether to comply with the transition by modifying their own business models, or defend themselves from the change by capitalizing on what has already been done.
Anticipating change
Major change occurs first in society as a whole and is then reflected in the market.
Generally, companies monitor the market using very sophisticated methods, but they do not follow developments in society as assiduously. This risks making them less reactive to change.
Special Projects
In 2022, we launched the Venice Sustainable Fashion Forum, an international event dedicated to the sustainable transition of the fashion industry, which combines our expertise in the sustainability and the Fashion&Luxury sector.
Just Fashion Transition
On the occasion of the 2nd Venice Sustainable Fashion Forum, entitled "Boosting Transition", the updated study "Just Fashion Transition" was presented: the document provides an overview of the state of sustainability along the fashion value chain and proposes six recommendations for a sustainable, fair and equitable transition in the sector.
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Our solutions
We guide and support companies in their transition towards business models capable of creating long-term value and in transforming environmental, social and governance challenges into opportunities.
We develop custom approaches on the basis of a company’s current progress in this area, the context in which it operates and its goals, also thanks to our proprietary models developed over thirty years of experience and in collaboration with top-level partners:
- Analysis of megatrends and gathering of factors internal and external to the company that can influence business outcomes in the medium-term.
- Identification and monitoring of the challenges and key areas of impact for the company through KPIs used to monitor them over time.
- Development of strategic studies to decipher the most significant scenario changes.
- Mapping of sustainability risks and opportunities based on their relevance and the company’s jurisdiction.
- Development of medium/long-term strategic plans and which are based on in-house involvement.
- Designing of custom corporate sustainability governance models.
Financial Report
- Future-proof materiality analysis that conforms to GRI Standards, thanks to our proprietary method of social-political trend analysis and multi-stakeholder forums.
- Performance assessment using documents that are clear, transparent, accessible and based on the most widely-used standards, including the Sustainability Report and Non-Financial Declaration which includes the disclosure on compliance with the European Taxonomy of Sustainable Finance.
- Designing of specific internal and external communications regarding sustainability.
- Economic, environmental and social impact assessments prepared by the company.
- Assessment of stakeholder engagement strategies using our proprietary model to survey current and expected involvement levels.
- Preparation and development of stakeholder engagement plans.
- Development of special solutions for listening to and involving stakeholders (roadshows, local committees and national events).
- Measurement, alignment and development of the culture of sustainability within the company in accordance with the objectives set.
- Custom-designed professional training programs aimed at all levels of the company that are financeable through professional and interprofessional funding.
- Fully-organized events tailored to client needs thanks to over 50 years of experience and our select, high-profile national and international network.