"Open Jam": the voices of new generations
Rimini, December 2, 2022
Hundreds of people under 30 years of age took part in workshops, seminars and debates organised by JAM - Join the Ageless Mind, the new project by The European House - Ambrosetti. Among the discussed topics there were corporate sustainability, the gap between academia and the job market, and the needs of new generations, who are looking forward working together towards a common goal.
Download PDFDigital Transformation, Italy's delays and the NRRP's opportunities
Rome, November 26, 2022
The Report of the Observatory on the Digital Transformation of Italy, in collaboration with IBM Italy Foundation and Eni Enrico Mattei Foundation, was presented today in Rome.
Download PDFToday the results of the Corporate Governance Observatory 2022 were presented in Milan
Rome, November 23, 2022
Download PDFThe value of clinical research for Italy and the case of FROM in Lombardy and Italy's ecosystem
Partnership, data driven model, Phase 1 clinical studies: the peculiarities of FROM – Fondazione per la Ricerca Ospedale di Bergamo (ETS) from the paper by The European House - Ambrosetti, presented at the Forum "The value of clinical research for the future of the country".
Download PDF"Constructions of the Future", a new initiative by InnoTech Community
The InnoTech Community is launching a new spin-off to foster debate on the opportunities tied to a greater use of new technologies such as IoT, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in the construction sector. The first meeting was focused on the topic "The infrastructures of the future".
Download PDFInvesting on health for Italy's sustainable growth
Rome, November 9, 2022
The 17th edition of the Meridiano Sanità Report was presented during the Annual Forum sponsored by Italy's Higher Institute of Health and the Conference of Regions and Autonomous Provinces. During the event, health experts and government leaders of regional and national healthcare systems have discussed the major health challenges for the country.
Download PDFStudy on the fashion supply chain - Just Fashion Transition
Venice, October 27, 2022
"Just Fashion Transition" is the study coordinated by Carlo Cici, Partner and Head of Sustainability of The European House - Ambrosetti that focuses on the critical issues and opportunities of the sustainable transition in the fashion industry. Presented at the Venice Sustainable Fashion Forum, it evaluated the economic and financial performance of 2,700 companies of the supply chain, analysed the sustainability performances of 167 Italian companies, as well as sustainability management tools of the 100 main European companies.
Download PDF8th Technology Forum Life Sciences
Milan, September 28, 2022
During the 8th Technology Forum Life Sciences, we presented the strategic report "The role of the innovation ecosystem in Life Sciences for Italy's growth and competitiveness", which analyses the development of the national research and innovation ecosystem, with thematic insight and action proposals for the enhancement of the sector's potentialities.
Download PDFWater and Energy Emergency: the fourth edition of the Valur of Water Community was kickstarted
Milan, September 23, 2022
The challenges of the energy crisis and the prolonged summer droughts require commitment and creative capacity from all the actors involved (companies, institutions, civil society, territories) to promote a transition to sustainable production and consumption models. It is in this perspective, we created the Value of Water for Italy Community in 2019, which is working to promote dialogue and develop visions and solutions for the extended water supply chain, dealing with the issue of water resource management as a driver of competitiveness and sustainable industrial development, with the aim of making proposals to the Government and the Country.
Download PDFThe Venice Sustainable Fashion Forum 2022 calls for a sustainable fashion industry
Venice, September 15, 2022
Presentation of the “Venice Sustainable Fashion Forum 2022”, the first international summit advocating for a sustainable future in the fashion industry. The European House - Ambrosetti and several partners from the fashion supply chain call together for a greater collective commitment towards the green transition.
Download PDFTowards a "New Deal" of skills in Italy's industrial and agricultural field
Cernobbio, September 3, 2022
Presented today in Cernobbio the Study prepared by The European House - Ambrosetti in collaboration with Philip Morris Italia about Italy's digital education. Three proposals to fully develop skills in Intelligent Manufacturing and Smart Agriculture in the country.
Download PDF“Net Zero e-conomy 2050” Study by Enel and The European House – Ambrosetti
Cernobbio, September 3, 2022
The acceleration in the introduction of policies that favour energy transition and the achievement of a zero-emission economy by 2050 not only will strengthen the independence and energy security of the European continent, but also bring more opportunities for value creation and employment than scenarios with reduced ambitions. This is what emerges from the study "Net Zero E-conomy 2050", prepared by Enel Foundation and The European House - Ambrosetti in collaboration with Enel.
Download PDFThe strategic importance of Italy-US relations
Cernobbio, September 2, 2022
The paper presented at the 48th Forum analyzes the strategic relationship between the United States and Italy, and identifies the prospects for how this relationship—thanks to industrial complementarity and shared geopolitical values—could be further strengthened in this time of changing global scenarios.
Download PDFObservatory on Women's Empowerment
Cernobbio, September 2, 2022
Closing the gender pay gap and having the same employment rate between men and women could generate an economic impact of up to 14% of G20 plus Spain GDP:The European House - Ambrosetti launches a permanent Observatory on Women’s Empowerment
Download PDFNext Generation DigITALY: The European House - Ambrosetti and Microsoft Italy present a study
Cernobbio, September 2, 2022
Outlining strategies to unlock the full potential of digitisation in Italy is an imperative to ensure sustainable growth for the post-pandemic relaunch of the country. Presented at Cernobbio the Study "Next Generation DigITALY: how to promote the integration and development of a digital ecosystem to accelerate the innovation and growth of the country", developed by The European House - Ambrosetti in collaboration with Microsoft Italy.
Download PDF6th High Level Dialogue on Asean Italy Economic Relations
Kuala Lumpur, July 6, 2022
The High Level Dialogue on ASEAN Italy Economic Relations – organised by The European House – Ambrosetti and Associazione Italia – ASEAN, chaired by former Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi - and in collaboration with the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) and Italian Trade Agency (ITA), took place on 6 July at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Kuala Lumpur. This convention is endorsed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and Confindustria (General Confederation of Italian Industry).
Download PDFHealthcare and digital: two factors of economic growth and sustainable development in Sicily
Siracusa, July 1, 2022
3rd Meridiano Sanità Sicily Forum: carrying out NRRP and accelerating digital transition in healthcare could increase the value of Sicily's healthcare ecosystem - it already amounts to 16.4% of Italy's gross domestic product, among the highest in Southern Italy
Download PDFEngaging professionals in Italy's digitalization is a decisive step
Rome, June 28, 2022
Digitalization in Italy must involve professionals, since their work is at the basis of everyday operation and the development of our economy. This is the main finding of the Study made by The European House - Ambrosetti for Confprofessioni.
Download PDFAgri-food supply chain is Italy's sustainability lab
Bormio, June 18, 2022
Sustainability is at the top of the policy-makers and consumers' agenda. this challenge calls for a strong committment from the agri-food supply chain, to become the main strategic economic sector for Italy.
Download PDFItalian Sounding is the main enemy of Made in Italy agri-food sector
Bormio, June 18, 2022
For the first time, The European House - Ambrosetti and Assocamerestero have scientifically proved the economic damage caused by Italian Sounding - products that hints to Italian culture in a deceptive way - and offered some proposals of counteraction.
Download PDFMade in Italy is conquering Philippines
Bormio, June 18, 2022
With the study presented at Bormio's Food&Beverage Forum, and the special intervention of Ceferino S. Rodolfo, Undersecretary of the Department of Industry and Trade, Government of the Philippines, and Ariel T. Cayanan, Undersecretary for Operations and Agri-Fisheries Mechanization, Government of the Philippines, the young economy of the Asian country is proposed as a new market for Italian agri-food export.
Download PDFAmbrosetti Innosystem Index: Italy is fifth from last for innovation capacity, but first for the quality of scientific research
Milan, May 26, 2022
According to the Position Paper "Super Smart Society: towards a more sustainable, resilient and humane future" made by the InnoTech Community of The European House - Ambrosetti, Italy is 18th on 22 countries: bad results in R&D investments and the ability to turn scientific excellence into economic and industrial value. But it takes the 1st place for the quality of scientific research.
Download PDFHydroelectric concessions in Italy: issues and opportunities for the relaunch of the Country
Rome, April 20, 2022
According to a study by The European House - Ambrosetti, a revision of the duration of the hydroelectric concessions would allow operators to invest in Italy an additional 9.0 billion euros. The investments would generate a return of 26.5 billion Euros on the territory, with indirect and induced effects, and positive repercussions for the State's economy as well.
Download PDFVerso Sud (Looking Southward). Europe’s Strategy for a New Geopolitical, Economic, and Socio-Cultural Season in the Mediterranean
April 20, 2022
The European House - Ambrosetti, together with the Ministry for Southern Italy and Territorial Cohesion and the support of some key players (Gruppo FS Italiane, Intesa Sanpaolo, MSC Crociere, and Adler), organises an international Forum: "Verso Sud (Looking Southward): Europe's strategy for a new geopolitical, economic and socio-cultural season in the Mediterranean".
Download PDF97% of Italians look favourably at the model of community houses
Rome, April 11, 2022
The survey carried out within the Meriditano Sanità project by The European House - Ambrosetti in collaboration with Cittadinanzattiva, highlights a demand for a greater digitalization of healthcare, starting from online bookings and payments; more services in pharmacies; and a optimisation of general medicine.
Download PDFThe Second edition of OCTO Connected Mobility 2025
Rome, April 11, 2022
Promoted by OCTO and realized in close collaboration with The European House - Ambrosetti, OCTO Connected Mobility 2025, the main event on Smart Mobility in Italy and one of the most important ones worldwide, will culminate in Rome on September 16, during the OCTO Connected Forum, with the presentation of the second report on connected mobility.
Cashless: Italy is a cash-dependent country
Cernobbio, March, 31 2022
The 2022 Report of the Cashless Society Community of The European House - Ambrosetti was presented in Cernobbio. Italy is at the bottom of the European ranking for digital transactions. The NRRP could reverse the trend by generating almost €800 million electronic payments.
Download PDFOn World Water Day, the 3rd Position Paper Value of Water has been presented in Rome
Rome, March 22, 2022
Realized through the Observatory established by the Value of Water Community for Italy, the high-level multi-stakeholder platform activated by The European House - Ambrosetti in 2019, the Value of Water Position Paper is the most complete and updated mapping of the extended water supply chain that systematizes the contributions of all its players.
Download PDFItalians prize Private Label products: affordable and cost effective in an uncertain economic context
Milan, March 15, 2022
In 2021, the purchase of Private Labels products allowed Italians to save 2.1 billion euros, about 100 euros per family. Private Labels also contribute to the economic system of the country: it represents 7.7% of the food industry's turnover and supports more than 1,500 companies, 84.6% of which are SMEs.
Download PDFAct Tank Sicily: the development of integrated agri-food chains can drive the recovery of the regional economy
Catania, March 10, 2022
Fourth working meeting of the Act Tank Sicily, the permanent platform launched in collaboration with the Sicilian Region and with the participation of Eni, UniCredit, Fondazione Sicilia and Gruppo Arena for the development of the Sicilian territory. At the center of the discussion, the prospects for the agri-food chain and the evolution of Distribution.
Download PDFTime for action is Europe's key message for Basilicata
Matera, February 25, 2022
The third Basilicata Think Tank Forum was held in Matera, Basilicata. An initiative by The European House - Ambrosetti.
Download PDFItalians and water: 8 paradoxes affecting the water supply chain's development and sustainability
Milan, February 23, 2022
A survey conducted within the project Valore Acqua shows that Italians highly value water, but it also identifies 8 paradoxes that must be dealt with for a sustainable and efficient water supply chain.
Power2Innovate: the 6 shortlisted projects from the second Call for Ideas
Milan, February 22, 2022
The projects will be presented in Matera, at the 2022 Forum of Basilicata Think Tank, on February 25, 2022.
Download PDFThe European House – Ambrosetti is Top Employer 2022 in Italy
Milan, January 18, 2022
Being certified as a Top Employer showcases our dedication to a better world of work, showed through excellent HR policies and people practices.
Download PDF
Silvia Lovati
Associate Partner; Head of TEHA Club