December 2023
Digitalization of processes and workflows and impacts on society and work
Milan, December 12, 2023
TEHA and ServiceNow Italy released the results of a study on the potential impacts of digital transformation in Italy.
Download PDF7th Technology Forum Campania: Talents, Technology and Twin Transition for Campania's future
Naples, December 11, 2023
Presented the Position Paper 2023 by the Campania Region and TEHA. With 10.8% of the total number of university students in the country, Campania remains a hotbed of talent and a driving force for the construction of the skills of the future.
Download PDF November 2023
With renewable hydrogen and floating offshore wind, Sicily can lead the energy transition in Italy
Catania, November 13, 2023
Sicily is the starting point to start new supply chains to support the process of decarbonisation of sectors where it is more complex to reduce emissions ("Hard to Abate"), such as heavy transport and industry, and can be one of the most competitive renewable hydrogen production areas in Europe. To do this, it is necessary to accelerate the installation of new renewable sources with a limited impact on the territory, leveraging in particular on offshore floating wind. This is what emerges from the study "Industrial opportunities from the energy transition for Sicily, Italy and Europe" carried out by the Hydrogen Community and the Floating Offshore Wind Community of The European House - Ambrosetti to analyze the economic and industrial opportunities for the Sicilian Region in the wider scenario of decarbonisation.
First National Forum on Sustainable Tourism and World Heritage Sites on the Prosecco Hills of Conegliano and Valdobbiadene
Cison di Valmarino, November 8, 2023
On November 13, 2023, the first National Forum on Sustainable Tourism of World Heritage Sites will be held in the Prosecco Hills of Conegliano and Valdobbiadene. The event, in collaboration with The European House - Ambrosetti, is promoted by the Veneto Region and the Association for the Heritage of the Prosecco Hills of Conegliano and Valdobbiadene (UNESCO World Heritage), with the Consorzio di Tutela del Prosecco DOC and the Consorzio di Tutela del Conegliano Valdobbiadene Prosecco DOCG, and is meant to be the first national event in Italy to call for ideas and action proposals to boost sustainable tourism and promote Italy's UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Download PDFThe European House - Ambrosetti presents the first Study on the results and opportunities of the Special Economic Zone (ZES)
Rome, November 8, 2023
The analysis of The European House - Ambrosetti measures the effectiveness of Special Economic Zones as tools for the attractiveness of investments in the South of Italy, and their direct, indirect and induced positive effects on the national economy: the study estimated a potential impact of approximately 83 billion euros, equal to 23% of the total Value Added of the South of Italy.
Download PDF October 2023
“Boosting Transition”: the call from the fashion industry to accelerate a sustainable transition
Venice, October 26, 2023
According to the "Just Fashion Transition" study by The European House - Ambrosetti, ESG performances of European and Italian companies of the textile and fashion industry are improving, growing respectively by 17% and 16% in a single year. However, waste exported from Europe to developing countries is increasing by 5 times, and the condition of workers globally is not improving.
Download PDF2023 Report of the "Welfare, Italia" Think Tank
Rome, October 24, 2023
The "Welfare, Italy" Think Tank outlines the 4 priorities to support the evolution of the Italian welfare system and highlights a strong imbalance on welfare spending, which absorbs 50.3% of total resources - followed by healthcare (21.5%), social policies (16.9%), education (11.3%). The 2023 edition of the Report of the "Welfare, Italy" Think Tank supported by Unipol Group with the collaboration of The European House - Ambrosetti also raises the alarm on the demographic issue, reporting that the decline in the birth rate in place in Italy since 2014 has worsened in 2022, with a new negative record: 393 thousand new births.
Download PDFMore than 2,000 participants were at Open Jam 2023 to discuss and builnd the future of jobs
Rimini, October 23, 2023
The second edition of the Open Jam festival has ended. More than two thousand people under 30 years of age have discussed together the future they would like in terms of jobs. The basketball champion Gigi Datome spoke to the young people about the importance of teamwork and the ability to face defeats and disappointments to start again towards new goals.
Download PDFArtificial Intelligence, Italy first EU country for projects implemented in the PA
Rome, October 17, 2023
There are 637 Artificial Intelligence projects in European public administrations, 30% of which aimed at improving digital public services for citizens and businesses. Italy is at the 2nd place in Europe for total number of projects (63) and ranks 1st for already implemented projects (38). AI represents an opportunity for the society, but to manage the risks involved it is required a greater transparency of algorithms and explicability of results, accountability in decision-making, protection of privacy, quality and interoperability of data. The results of the study "Technological options for advanced digitization of the Public Administration", carried out by The European House - Ambrosetti and Salesforce.
Download PDF“Boosting transition”: the fashion system's call to action at the 2nd Venice Sustainable Fashion Forum
Venice, October 10, 2023
The 2nd edition of the "Venice Sustainable Fashion Forum" was presented today at the headquarters of Sistema Moda Italia in Milan. The summit is centered on to the sustainable transition of the fashion chain, and is sponsored by Sistema Moda Italia, The European House - Ambrosetti and Confindustria Veneto Est - Metropolitan Area Venice Padua Rovigo Treviso. The event will be held in Venice, at the Giorgio Cini Foundation, on October 26 and 27.
Download PDF7th High Level Dialogue ASEAN Italy Economic Relations 2023
Bangkok, October 4, 2023
For the 2023 edition, the High Level Dialogue on ASEAN Italy Economic Relations took place on Tuesday, October 3 and Wednesday, October 4, 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand. The initiative has been promoted by The European House - Ambrosetti and has been endorsed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. The Government of Thailand, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand - Department of International Economic Affairs, was the co-organizer of the event, with the support of the Embassy of Italy in Bangkok. The 7th edition of the High Level Dialogue fell on the 155th anniversary of Italian-Thai bilateral relations.
Download PDF September 2023
Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) technology as a driver for economic, digital and social inclusion
Rome, September 26 2023
The research by The European House - Ambrosetti and EOLO, presented today in Rome, shows that access to Ultra Broadband is a driver of inclusion: in areas characterized by digital divide, the risk of long-term unemployment is at 45%, against the 6% of areas with connectivity. There is also a gap between large population centres and suburban areas: 90% of the investment in the implementation of the "Italy 1Giga plan" will have to address this matter. Focusing on FWA technology would generate a benefit in terms of effectiveness and efficiency of investments of about 3 billion euros.
Download PDFThe European House - Ambrosetti elaborates eight proposals to promote competitiveness, sustainability and attractiveness of the maritime supply chain
Trieste, September 15, 2023
Italy is among the main EU-27 leaders in the blue economy, with €24.5 billion of added value and over 540 thousand people employed, creating an economic system that contributes with approximately €65billion to the Italian GDP. The Risorsa Mare Forum is a permanent work platform that focuses on the competitiveness and attractiveness of the sea industry as a whole, aggregating the different components of the political and socio-economic system of the Mediterranean around the priorities of intervention and promotion for the sector.
Download PDFItaly is 8th for ability to do reasearch and innovation in Life Sciences
Milan, September 13, 2023
The Ambrosetti Life Sciences Innosystem Index was presented today together with the White Paper on Life Sciences in Italy, during the Technology Forum Life Science 2023 by The European House - Ambrosetti.
Download PDFNRRP Observatory, two and a half years after launch: the first difficulties in the implementation of the Plan and the implications
Cernobbio, September 3, 2023
The NRRP Observatory has estimated that the investments foreseen by the Plan with direct impacts on inequalities amounted to 24 billion Euros (12.5% of the total). Considering also the investments that could indirectly affect inequalities (for example, the High Speed trains in the South, which could affect territorial inequalities), the total rises to 39 billion (20.3%).
Download PDFThe results of the 2023 Global Attractiveness Index: with a growth of three positions compared to 2022, Italy is at the 17th place
Cernobbio, September 3, 2023
In first place in the 2023 Global Attractiveness Index is, once again, Germany, with a score of 100, followed by the United States (94.7) and the United Kingdom (92.7). The positioning of Italy improves significantly, recording the largest change in the ranking of the country since the creation of the Index.
Download PDFThe European House - Ambrosetti approaches the world of sport and entertainment with participation in Oltre Consulting
Cernobbio, September 2, 2023
The European House - Ambrosetti is pleased to announce the entry into the capital of Foodball s.r.l., a company specialized in the development of sports entertainment and food projects at an international level, which owns 70% of Oltre Consulting s.r.l., an innovative business hub in sport that aims to be a reference point for business in the sports and entertainment world, offering a wide array of consulting services (partnerships, strategic support, business development, marketing, PR, communication events, etc.) to Italian and international brands and stakeholders in their growth paths through the sports platform.
August 2023
The European house – Ambrosetti strenghtens its continuous updating with a stake in Harvard Business Review Italy
Cernobbio, August 31, 2023
From Julyv 21, 2023 Harvard Business Review Italia (published by StrategiQs Edizioni srl) has joined the Group The European House - Ambrosetti. Harvard Business Review Italy will continue to offer the valuable content produced by Harvard Business School and Harvard University, maintaining its editorial independence, but will also benefit the organization, resources and also knowledge developed by The European House - Ambrosetti, the first private Think Tank in Italy and among the first in Europe, as well as Leader in Italy in the field of management consulting and with the largest Business Community of Management in the national territory.
Download PDFCernobbio Forum 2023
Cernobbio, August 25, 2023
The 49th edition of our annual Forum starts on Friday, September 1 (at 8.45) at Cernobbio's Villa d'Este, and ends on Sunday, September 3 (at about 14.00). The Forum's mission and ambition are to offer to the international and Italian leaders a place for a serious and authoritative debate - supported by analises and researches - on geopolitical, economic, technological and social scenarios and their effects on companies and countries.
Download PDF July 2023
Investments around 74-90 billion euros in new plants to meet the 2030 renewable targets
Châtillon, July 22, 2023
Investimenti tra 74 e 90 miliardi di euro in nuovi impianti per raggiungere i target rinnovabili al 2030. L’Italia può attivare nel breve-medio termine 130 GW di rinnovabili, di cui 33 GW già pronti per essere rapidamente realizzati. Un position paper dedicato all'argomento è stato presentato all’interno del primo Forum delle Energie Rinnovabili “Renewable Thinking”, ideato da CVA – Compagnia Valdostana delle Acque -, in collaborazione con The European House – Ambrosetti e con il patrocinio di Elettricità Futura.
Download PDF1st Child Health Summit in Florence: experts and institutions together
Florence, July 13, 2023
The first Child Health Summit took place in Florence. The event is under the patronage of the Italian Ministry of Health, the Conference of Autonomous Regions and Provinces, Tuscany Region, Florence Municipality, and was organised by AOPI – Associazione degli Ospedali Pediatrici Italiani in collaboration with The European House – Ambrosetti. Mental health, complex chronicity management and transition towards adulthood, increase of intensive terapy and hospices, the 3 main challenges for the Italian pediatrics.
Download PDFWinning policies for Puglia's attractiveness. Presented this morning the study by The European House - Ambrosetti
Bari, July 11, 2023
It was held in Bari the plenary round table organized by the Puglia Region and The European House - Ambrosetti, during which we presented the study "The organization, management and strategic communication of territorial attractiveness: the Tableau De Bord of Puglia" which offers a comprehensive analysis of the winning policies for the attractiveness of the Region.
Download PDFThe e-commerce factor against the cost of living
Milano, July 10, 2023
At a time when inflation is at the top of the political and economic agenda and is a concern for many Italian families, The European House - Ambrosetti, in collaboration with Amazon, has launched a research project on the impact of e-commerce on citizens and businesses in Italy. It emerges that e-commerce mitigates inflation: online prices have proved more stable than the general prices in the last three years.
Download PDF June 2023
Hydrogen, -28% CO2 emissions by 2050
Rovereto, June 22, 2023
The analysis of the Hydrogen Community of The European House - Ambrosetti shows the need for a national strategy on hydrogen that promotes the principle of technological neutrality and promotes dialogue between supply chains and institutions, encouraging the use of hydrogen where it is already present (petrochemical) and where electrification is not feasible (heavy transport and industry), supporting the creation of technology-based value chains in Italy.
The Mediterranean Regions gather in Calabria for the General Assembly of the Intermediterranean Commission
Villa San Giovanni, June 21, 2023
Representatives of 40 regions from 8 states (Albania, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Morocco and Spain) will meet in Calabria to discuss the future strategy for the Mediterranean and elect the new president of CPMR's Intermediterranean Commission. Blue economy, transport, energy, water, territorial cooperation, involvement of the Mediterranean regions in the EU policies will be the main topics of the meeting.
Italy and France: together to face the great European challenges
Rome, June 13, 2023
The sixth edition of the Italian-French Dialogues for Europe has ended - the initiative was launched in 2018 by Sciences Po and Luiss Guido Carli Universities, in collaboration with The European House - Ambrosetti. The annual Forum took place on the Luiss' campus, under the patronage of the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella and the President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron.
May 2023
An "indicator" to measure the sustainability of urban mobility
Rome, May 30, 2023
OCTO Telematics and The European House - Ambrosetti announce Italy's main event on connected and sustainable mobility and one of the most important meetings at a global level. On October 13, 2023 in Rome will be presented the third Strategic Study "Connected Mobility 2025" and the "Sustainable Mobility Dashboard", a new governance tool for city administrations.
Download PDFAmbrosetti Innosystem Index 2023: Italy is fourth to last for innovation capacity
Stresa, May 26, 2023
The Ambrosetti Innosystem Index 2023, presented at the Technology Forum organized on May 25-26 in Stresa (Italy) by The European House - Ambrosetti, places Italy in the rear of innovation, comparing the performance of the 22 most advanced countries. Investments and more efficient governance are needed to turn the Italian excellence into development opportunities
Download PDFApproving the new Vaccinal Prevention Plan and guidelines for the cohexistence with the virus are the priorities
Rome, May 23, 2023
During the press conference "Covid-19, three years later: impacts on health and performance and role of vaccinations" promoted by Senator Tilde Minasi, in collaboration with The European House - Ambrosetti and the CEIS - Centre for Economic and International Studies of the University of Rome Tor Vergata and the unconditional contribution of Pfizer, experts and institutions have discussed how to deal with the new "normality", just over three years after the declaration of the pandemic by the WHO and 15 days after the end of the global health emergency.
Download PDFFor a South Italy at the centre of the Mediterranean countries' geopolitical strategy
Sorrento, 19 maggio 2023
The Forum "LookingSouthward" (Verso Sud), is back in Sorrento. The Forum was created by The European House - Ambrosetti with the aim of supporting the national and international positioning of Southern Italy as a strategic hub of the Wider Mediterranean. On the occasion of the Business Forum, the second edition of the White Paper was presented, which, starting from a socio-economic analysis that considers 45 countries, elaborates guidelines and development proposals that can relaunch Southern Italy in the broader geopolitical framework.
Download PDFThe second edition of the Verso Sud Forum
Milan, May 5, 2023
The second edition of the International Forum "Looking Southward" (Verso Sud), created by The European House - Ambrosetti with the aim of promoting a new vision and a paradigm shift for Italy, the Southern Regions and the countries of the Mediterranean, will be held on May 19 and 20, 2023 in Sorrento.
Download PDFWith smart buildings, savings for about 14 billion euros, 22% of energy expenditures in 2022
Rome, May 3, 2023
We presented the Strategic Report of the first edition of the Community Smart Building, the high-level comparison platform launched by The European House - Ambrosetti in 2022 with the aim of mapping the industrial, technological and service foundations of Smart Buildings in Italy.
Download PDF April 2023
The European House - Ambrosetti grows in the marketing and digital communitcation field with GDS Communication
Milan, April 21, 2023
The European House - Ambrosetti continues its growth and development path with the acquisition of GDS Communication, an integrated marketing and communication company with a strong focus on technologies and innovation. The operation will benefit all the activities of The European House - Ambrosetti, and especially the Healthcare & Life Sciences Practice.
Download PDFThe European House - Ambrosetti and CyBrain together for a business and strategic partnership
Milan, April 17, 2023
The European House - Ambrosetti has acquired CyBrain, a boutique specializing in cyber security and the application of artificial intelligence to physical and physical-logical security issues.
Download PDFWith new hydroelectric pumping systems we could generate 31 billion Euros
Rome, April 3, 2023
Increasing renewable energy sources and decommissioning of coal thermoelectric generation capacity: the two key dynamics that increase the importance of storage systems, of which hydroelectric pumping represents a strategic resource. On March 29, 2023, the Report "The strategic role of hydroelectric pumping in the energy transition" was presented in Rome - realized by The European House - Ambrosetti in collaboration with Edison.
Download PDFOnly 6% of the NRRP's resources has ben spent in a year and a half
Cernobbio, April 1, 2023
Only 6% of the funds from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR in Italian) has been spent and only 1% of the projects has been completed. In addition, 65% of the projects come from municipalities and 60% of these come from municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants, with considerable difficulties in managing the projects themselves. The data emerges from the study conducted by the NRRP Observatory of The European House - Ambrosetti.
March 2023
The European House - Ambrosetti's Roadshow towards the second edition of "Verso Sud"
Bari, March 17, 2023
After the success of the 2022 edition of the Forum "Towards the South: The European strategy for a new geopolitical, economic and socio-cultural season of the Mediterranean", today the city of Bari (Apulia) hosted the second stage of the Roadshow by The European House - Ambrosetti that will lead to the next edition of the Forum (to be held on May 19 and 20, 2023 in Sorrento). In the presence of the President of the Apulia Region, Michele Emiliano, we outlined the Region's socio-economic development scenario, highlighting strengths and weaknesses, in order to define the direction to take for the growth of the Region, as a lever for the development of its territory as well as of Italy.
The first Observatory on integrated corporate security
Milan, March 8, 2023
Aipsa, the Italian Association of Business Security Professionals, and The European House - Ambrosetti will carry out a periodic monitoring on the evolutions of the factors of instability for large companies and SMEs through the new Observatory on Integrated Corporate Security. Today's businesses are concerned about cybercriminality - which has had a surge in Italy since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine - but also about natural disasters and extreme weather events.
Download PDF February 2023
Digital Twin: a systemic implementation drives innovation and increases industrial productivity with lesser environmental costs
Milan, February 10, 2023
Atos Italy and The European House - Ambrosetti presented the study “Digital Twins for the Twin Transitions”. According to the model, the Digital Twin may contribute to the growth of Italy's GDP (+12 billion euros) and the increase of productivity in the manufacturing sector (+4.5%), with significant impacts on CO2 emissions (-73%, about 30,4 million tons) and energy costs (between 15.9% and 33.1%).
Download PDFItalians think that they are sustainable but only 29% drinks tap water
Milan, February 9, 2023
Italy's mains water has the greatest standards of quality among the main European countries, but citizens are skeptical, especially in the South. However, the younger generations are the most used to drinking tap water. On February 9, 2023, we anticipated some data from the fourth edition of the White Book "Value of Water for Italy", prepared by the Value of Water for Italy Community of The European House - Ambrosetti.
Download PDFThe European House - Ambrosetti joins as co-founder of the Fondazione Venezia Capitale Mondiale della Sostenibilità
Venice, February 8, 2023
A collection of studies, papers, and competences for the sustainable development of Venice will be provided by The European House - Ambrosetti, new co-founder of the Fondazione Venezia Capitale Mondiale della Sostenibilità (FVCMS)/Venice Sustainability Foundation.
Download PDFThe European House - Ambrosetti is recognised as a Top Employer 2023 in Italy
Milan, January 17, 2023
The 2023 Top Employers have been announced and The European House – Ambrosetti has been recognised as a Top Employer in Italy. Being certified as a Top Employer showcases an organisation’s dedication to a better world of work and exhibits this through excellent HR policies and people practices.
Download PDF January 2023

Silvia Lovati
Associate Partner; Head of TEHA Club