25 March 2021

Lorenzo Tavazzi
Cashless: in the next 5 years, electronic payments will increase by + 12.7% per year

The European House - Ambrosetti, 1st Italian private Think Tank, founder of the Cashless Society Community, presented the 2021 Report of the 6th edition of the Community.

The introduction of the measures of the "Italy Cashless" Plan and the COVID-19 pandemic have changed the reference context, resulting in an acceleration of the trend in the digitization of payments. In support of this evidence, The European House - Ambrosetti estimates that in 2020 the value of transactions with cashless payment instruments will decrease by only 2% compared to the -11.8% recorded in consumption, with an average annual growth rate that will reach + 12.7% in the five-year period 2021-2025 (compared to + 10.1% in the 2015-2019 period).

The 2021 action proposals of the Cashless Society Community concern 5 main areas: strengthening and monitoring the "Italia Cashless" Plan, making the Public Administration cashless friendly, supporting innovation in the supply chain through the development of the open finance paradigm, enhancing cashless payments in areas that affect citizens' daily lives, such as local public transport and fringe benefits, and promoting a "cashless culture" among citizens.