09 May 2024

The 5th Foro Internacional Expansión has ended today. In the course of two days, business leaders, representatives of institutions, and economists discussed on the most relevant topics in an economic context that is significantly affected by geopolitical tensions.
The Forum, organised at Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) by Expansión in collaboration with The European House - Ambrosetti, has addressed the debate related to strengthening the EU defence sector, and the most recent European measures to curb climate change and boost the energy transition. The speakers also shared their views on the upcoming presidential elections in the United States, the new challenges and opportunities for the banking and business sectors, and the emerging role of Artificial Intelligence.
The King of Spain, Felipe VI, joined the Forum at the end of the first day, commenting on the fragility and uncertainty of our times. His Majesty warned that "we continue to face global challenges that require global solutions", with a call for action and a common effort in looking at the wider picture while also addressing these issues "locally".
Read the articles by Expansión on the 5th edition