23 December 2020

Valerio De Molli
G20 Business Advisory Board - Proposals

The G20 is an international forum attended by Government officials and Central Bank Governors from 19 countries and the EU. It was founded in 1999, with the aim of discussing pressing international issues, starting from international financial stability.

Over time its scope of action has been extended, and since 2008 the activities of the forum have been broadened to include discussion of many key issues related to the global economy. The reason for this extension of competences is as urgent as it is crucial: the challenges that the world has to face cannot be tackled individually. 

This report was prepared in view of the Italian Presidency of the G20 in 2021. It presents 8 macroproposals developed on three sectors of endeavouridentified by the Italian Presidency of the Council: 

  1. Inclusion: policies and actions for a sustainable, just and resilient recovery; new social contract for inclusion.
  2. Environment and energy transition: green transition, renewables, a circular economy, the role of cities.
  3. Innovation and knowledge: the challenges related to digital transformation and artificial intelligence, and their impact on organizations and work.

To develop these proposals The European House - Ambrosetti has set up an Advisory Board composed of the CEOs of the most important Italian and multinational companies.

Read the Report