13 April 2022

Rome, April 20, 2022
The European House - Ambrosetti, in collaboration with A2A, Edison and Enel, presents on April 20, 2022 a Study on the state of the art and development opportunities of hydroelectric concessions in Italy.
During the event, the main results of the Study will be shared, with the aim of demonstrating the fundamental importance of making investments for the maintenance and modernisation of hydroelectric power plants in Italy in order to accelerate energy transition, study the limits of the current European and Italian legislative and regulatory framework, and propose a new model for the allocation of hydroelectric concessions.
The «Fit for 55» European package sets ambitious targets for energy transition. At the current rate, the European Union and Italy are likely to reach the 2030 targets on greenhouse gas emissions with an average delay of 19 and 29 years respectively. In this context, hydropower is today the first renewable source for electricity generation in Italy (40.7%) and plays a leading role in the current energy crisis, making the country’s energy system safer, more resilient and more sustainable. However, more than 70% of hydroelectric plants in Italy are over 40 years old and 86% of large hydroelectric concessions have already expired or will expire by 2029: it becomes therefore a priority to face the issues of current Italian regulations and to give way to investments.
The event will be held with the participation of high-level stakeholders from the energy sector, specifically, hydropower and its extended supply chain, institutions, and academics, legal professionals, and economists, with the aim of facilitating and opening a constructive discussion on the most important issues to be addressed in order to exploit as much as possible such a key and strategic sector for the Italian economic system.
Position Paper - Le concessioni idroelettriche in Italia: incertezze e opportunità per il rilancio del Paese (in Italian)