21 December 2022

The 6th year's meeting of the Think Tank Fashion&Luxury Supply Chain was held in our Milan building, reinstating a tradition after two years of distance meetings. Inaugurated in 2016 within our Global Fashion Unit, this Think Tank periodically gathers over than 50 Supply Chain Directors to share their views on priorities and strategic challenges for the Fashion&Luxury industry.
During the discussions, the Advisory Board commented on the results of the first edition of the Venice Sustainable Fashion Forum, presented by Flavio Sciuccati, Senior Partner and Director of the Global Fashion Unit. The Forum, hosted in Venice by Fondazione Giorgio Cini, was participated by more than 300 representatives of institutions and companies of the fashion supply chain, and about 800 people who connected via live streaming.
Fashion sustainability is a topic that keeps sparking interest, as demonstrated by the copious articles about the event and the study “Just Fashion Transition”, presented by Carlo Cici, Partner and Head of the Sustainability Area, which highlights criticalities and opportunities of a sustainable transition in the fashion sector.
Among the 6 final recommendations of the study, the Advisory Board members put at first place the need to promote a positive cultural change. For these operators of the Supply Chain, Fashion & Luxury brands or their partner companies, this cultural change does not concern the consumer only, but it must engage also and especially the decision-makers in the sector. For this reason, sustainability must be considered by fashion companies' Boards and be included in their CEO's agenda.
Alliances are another key topic for our participants: those who work with SMEs are well aware that there is a need for a common place for discussion between supply chain companies and brands. This is the only way for reaching common goals such as the semplification of sustainability management and the compliance with related EU Directives, which will require, for example, to disclose ESG performances, meet sustainability requirements in product design, and reduce waste during the entire life cycle of a product.