21 June 2022

Online / Roma, June 28, 2022
The event “L’impatto del digitale nelle professioni” celebrates the conclusion of a collaboration between Confprofessioni and The European House - Ambrosetti, aimed at designing a framework for the future of professionals in Italy ("i.e. "liberi professionisti") by analyzing the main trends and phenomena that have been changing the competitive scenario, starting with digital.
The objective is revamping the institutional debate on professions, to identify virtuous medium-long term strategies for their future and systemic sustainability.
Among the speakers: Vittorio Colao (Minister of technological innovation and digital transition), Gilberto Pichetto Fratin (Vice Minister, Ministry of Economy), Anna Ascani (Undersecretary, Ministry of Economy), Gaetano Stella (President, Confprofessioni), Alessandro De Biasio (Partner, The European House Ambrosetti), Paolo Feltrin (Director, Osservatorio Confprofessioni), Stefano Gallo (Responsible for territorial development & relations, UniCredit), Patrizia Lombardi (Vice Dean, Politecnico di Torino), Francesco Morace (President, Future Concept Lab) Alberto Oliveti (President, Adepp), Mariarosaria Taddeo (Director, Philosophy Department, Oxford Internet Institute).
The event was held on Tuesday, June 28, 2022, from 14:30 to 18:30 at Casina Valadier (Piazza Bucarest, Rome) and as a videoconference.
Download the Position Paper - I nuovi paradigmi delle professioni nella transizione digitale (in Italian)