


TEHA Group is a professional group operating since 1965, with 330 professionals, of which 61% are women. It has grown significantly over the years, also thanks to the contribution of several Partners, who have been developing numerous activities in Italy, Europe and the rest of the world.
TEHA Group S.p.A. was established on July 1, 2024: a company subject to Management and Coordination by The European House - Ambrosetti S.p.A. (which remains the Holding of the group). TEHA Group includes all the operational activities carried out by the Group, including the subsidiaries (Ambrosetti Group Limited and its foreign subsidiaries, Ambrosetti Consultores, Cefriel, GDS Communication, Oltre Consulting, HBR Italia, and CyBrain).
Our activities
For 60 years, we have been working at the side of Italian companies. Every year, we serve 1,500 clients with Management Consulting Services, tailored projects spanning 14 thematic areas. We work for companies from various sectors and of diverse sizes: in particular, we annually develop 120 projects for entrepreneurial families. We also carry out more than 450 Strategic Studies and Scenarios, addressed to Italian and European institutions and companies.
About 3,500 Italian and international experts are involved every year in the 850 events created exclusively for the 18,000 managers that are enrolled in a professional growth path. Thanks to our know-how and the proprietary technology at our disposal, we carry out workshops, seminars, and complex high-level digital and phygital events, in addition to Training Programmes for professionals and business leaders.
For 50 years, we have been organizing the event Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy, an international forum for debate on major current issues, commonly known as the Cernobbio Forum because of the location that traditionally hosts it (the city of Cernobbio, on the shores of Lake Como, Northern Italy). We also offer a Workshop on Economics and Finance and International Summits that stimulate dialogue among companies, governments and institutions in Italy and around the world.
We are the 1st Italian Private Think Tank, 4th in the European Union, one of the most respected and independent institutions in over 100 countries worldwide, according to a study from the University of Pennsylvania.
In turn, we empower Think Tanks and Thematic Communities to monitor some of today’s key topics and develop reports in partnership with industry players.