Business confidence at its peak and propensity to recruitment: the scenario of Christmas 2020 is far away
During these final days of the year, we draw the sum of the past year and make the resolutions, more or less good, for the coming year. Those who work in the economic fields cannot escape this task, which this year is, in fact, very useful and rather challenging.
Download PDFItaly is behind on digital payments, but the change of course is in place
Italy remains among the countries with the widest use of cash, even if between consumer behaviour and legislator’s push the scenario is changing
LinkRuffinoni for Ambrosetti Club: this is how we get foreign investors
«40% of the funds of the National Recovery Plan are destined for the Mezzogiorno, we start from here», says the CEO of Ntt Data Italia, a Japanese hi-tech multinational. But to attract international capital we need political stability
Download PDFThe value of water for the future of Italy
Water is a scarce and strategic resource and will be increasingly so in the future. Unfortunately, there are still significant inequalities in access to water and water scarcity has serious economic and social repercussions.
Download PDFInstructions for the neo democracy. Mutti: more room for young people
Francesco Mutti talks about some points of the Ambrosetti Club's Research on Governance of our Country
Download PDFThe Netflix of short film d'auteur is Made in Puglia
The platform is called WeShort and was founded by Alessandro Loprieno, 31 years from Bisceglie (Milan), former Ryanair flight attendant who, during the pandemic, has reinvented himself and is now working on a series with Michael Madsen
Download PDFSocial expenditure, still wide the gap between regions
Unipol-Ambrosetti. Ranking on effectiveness and quality of territorial policies: the first six are from the North, the last eight from the South
Download PDFThe governance of listed companies? A (good) guide to investing
The 17th edition of Ambrosetti’s report: improve the quality of corporate governance. Erede: «Normative gap on the board lists». Marchetti: «The role of Esg councillors is fundamental».
Download PDFSustainability, a question of measure. Europe leads
Small is never beautiful. Unless you are a leader (possibly a European if not a worldwide one) in a specific field.
Download PDFThe World’s Big Money «We invest where there is a real Esg strategy».
Sustainability is at the heart of governance and corporate councils. Companies that want to grow cannot ignore the implementation of concrete ESG policies.
Download PDFSchool canteens, overcooked and cold foods and small portions: the critical issues from North to South (and the Japan model)
by V. Santarpia. One in two children has no right to the canteen, big differences between North and South. 92,000 children are at risk of diabetes. Bad habits that need to be changed: the Elior-Ambrosetti relationship.
Download PDFReorganization of SMEs. Extraordinary operations
by D. J. Winteler and F. Vernassa. The criticalities linked to the small size and the family setting make it difficult to define agreements, both industrial and corporate.
Download PDFRegional inequalities do not change
The Meridiano Sanità Index, presented by The European House - Ambrosetti, offers a tool for measuring the performance of the health systems of the Italian regions, identifying strengths and weaknesses to work on.
Download PDFHealth in Europe, the pandemic alters the ranking of states
by F. Cerati. The photograph of the Meridiano Sanità Index shows a worsening in Italy, which falls by four positions compared to 2019, even if it remains with a value in line with the European average.
Download PDFYouth entrepreneurship and green innovation at the center of the Total Think Tank and The European House - Ambrosetti
The Think Tank Basilicata - a strategic-competitive initiative - restarts. It foresees tables throughout the Region and the final Forum in Matera.
Download PDFNext generation Eu Re-launch lever for the country
Analysis of the ten key points of the recovery aid plan
Download PDFBTicino, home automation drives the boom in revenues
by L. Cavestri. In a period in which the construction sector has suffered but the house has returned to the center of Italian interests and investments, the numbers reward the ecosystem created by BTicino and illustrated yesterday in the report prepared by The European House - Ambrosetti.
Download PDFCop26, the G20 and the digital lever for sustainability
From a survey conducted by The European House - Ambrosetti on a sample of over 200 companies, the new forms of remote work (64% of the sample) and collaboration (59% of the sample) are perceived as the main levers through which digital can contribute to social sustainability.
Download PDFUp to 30 billion needed euros for green goals
di A. Merli. Flavio Sciuccati, Partner of The European House - Ambrosetti, highlights the urgency of the commitment of fashion players in the race for industry sustainability.
Download PDFCircular economy as the driving force of the ecological transition. Strategy and analysis of The European House - Ambrosetti
by V. De Molli. Among the pillars of the ecological transition, there is the Circular Economy, to be understood as a renewed economic model aimed at closing the cycles of materials and resources.
Download PDFEolo turns the page: Partners Group at 75%
by A. Biondi. Financial advisor was Morgan Stanley & Co. International PLC, while Clifford Chance and The European House - Ambrosetti acted as financial advisor to Cometa.
Download PDF"Gender gap, not only women but also the economy are losing out"
by V. Arena. Our country continues to present merciless data regarding the employment and emancipation of women and cannot keep pace with other European nations. Valerio De Molli interviewed by the "Quotidiano di Sicilia".
Download PDFThe cities of the future must be the cradle of the circular economy
by M. Cremaschi. Circular cities, a response to protect our planet is the title of the webinar in the context of the Italian-French Dialogues for Europe organized by from Luiss, SciencesPo The European House - Ambrosetti.
Download PDFThe missing capital
by A. Giordano. According to the association of municipalities there are 15 thousand uncovered places. Above all top management roles in the economic, technical and administrative sectors. Thus it becomes difficult to plan EU spending but also the NRP.
Download PDFFrom agriculture to new energy investing in water is a business
by L. Dell'olio. Optimizing the transportation and use of a scarce resource such as water could provide the answer to some of our society's greatest challenges.
Download PDFThe study promoted by Welfare Italia - Special Affairs and Finance
Despite the signs of recovery, it will not return to pre-Covid levels soon. According to the research, rapid transformation is needed. There are sectors that can be incentivized thanks to the funds arriving with the NRP.
Download PDFWater and sieve aqueducts are more and more victims the inability to invest
by A. Mastrapasqua. Sustainability and its adjectives have entered the nomenclature of associations and ministries, but when it comes to translating the proclamations in place, one collides with the swamp, which is rich in water, but it is dirty water.
Download PDFWater is a precious asset
by S. Cozzi. The White Paper "Valore Water for Italy 2021" by The European House - Ambrosetti, the result of the Community Value Water Observatory for Italy, investigates the relationship between water, economy and sustainable development, contains the first complete mapping of the extended supply chain water in Italy, which systematizes the contributions of all operators in the sector, from network managers to service providers, from agriculture to industry, from technology providers to the relevant institutions.
Download PDFThe development of Sicily in the Mediterranean
by F. Merli. "Act Tank Sicilia has the ambition to provide a concrete contribution to the dialogue between the public and private systems and to produce innovative ideas to define a new development vision for Sicily, starting from the accurate census of risk factors and above all of opportunities and assets strategies that the territory has at its disposal ”, said the ceo of The European House - Ambrosetti, Valerio De Molli.
Download PDFSmall steps towards mass genomics, but Italy is behind
by F. Cerati. Community Life Sciences: we need a national strategy for genomics, with standard protocols.
Download PDFThe water network is thirsty for resources but navigates between permits and appeals
by V. De Molli. Ours is a country with a high climate vulnerability, with an obsolete infrastructure network (60% of Italian water infrastructures are over 3 years old and 125% over 5 years old) which disperses 47.6% of the water withdrawn for drinking ( 42% in distribution networks alone, 10 percentage points more than years ago and double the European average, equal to 23%).
Download PDFWhere to start from
by A. Giordano. Institutional operators and companies around the same table to create a network of priorities for the development of the island. Starting with tourism and infrastructure, without forgetting energy and cultural heritage. Final document in January.
Download PDF"The climate is a serious emergency". For 81% of Italians, action must be taken
di S. Gandolfi. The survey "Fight against climate change: the point of view of the Italians and the French" conducted by Ipsos, with the contribution of Edison, and presented yesterday as part of the French-Italian Dialogues for Europe promoted by Luiss and Sciences-Po in collaboration with The European House - Ambrosetti.
Download PDFAct Tank is born, a platform for the development of the Island
Founded by The European House - Ambrosetti, the Act Tank Sicilia sees the participation of important entities that express the economic and financial system of the area: Eni, UniCredit, Fondazione Sicilia and Gruppo Arena.
Download PDF"Act Tank Sicily", hypothesis of a possible future
In Palermo the first meeting of the platform that brings together institutions and individuals.
Download PDFLandfills, Italian dishonor. "Modern plants needed"
by V. De Ceglia. Among the black shirts in Europe, the beautiful country targeted by infringement procedures. To become virtuous it would take a few billions invested for energy recovery. Nimby and bureaucracy are holding back.
Download PDFPost covid Italy has a mission to develop the data economy
by L. Dell'Olio. It is the key to guaranteeing the structural growth of the beautiful country, according to one of The European House - Ambrosetti. The enhancement of cloud computing entrusted to the resources of the NRP will be decisive.
Download PDFCernobbio, the strength of the recovery at the center of the Ambrosetti Forum. "Good prospects, business confidence at its highest"
The survey on managers and entrepreneurs: "We are not in the ideal situation, but better than expected, and with all the cards in hand to start a path of sustained growth".
Download PDFItaly, 186 billion for the 2030 targets are missing
by L. Serafini. Among the proposals that the "European Governance of the Energy Transition" study by The European House - Ambrosetti identifies to improve governance at EU level, there is the strengthening of cooperation and coordination between the Commission and the Member States, enhancing the mechanisms of " enforcement "(ie the binding aspects).
Download PDFDevelopment, the importance of women
by V. De Molli. The European House - Ambrosetti has decided to deal with the issue by activating an international Business Advisory Board on the topic within the Ambrosetti Club (shared with Minister Bonetti) and aimed at making a distinctive contribution.
Download PDFUsing only half of people's energy and talent is not a good idea: women empowerment
by V. De Molli. We adhered to Minister Elena Bonetti's request to create a strategic working paper to guide the decisions of the G20, with the support of the Ambrosetti Club and an international Business Advisory Board to guide government policies towards greater inclusion of women in the economy. What the Anglo-Saxons define with great effectiveness women empowerment.
Learn moreInvesting in ICT must become a national priority
by V. De Molli. The demand for Internet connectivity of Italians is growing exponentially. The Covid-19 crisis has certainly accelerated this trend.
Download PDFThe temperature rises. Varese ignites
by V. De Molli. According to the Observatory of the Community Value Water for Italy, Italy too must deal with the consequences of climate change.
Download PDFThe reason why the state cashback is better than the TV bonus
by V. De Molli. According to estimates by the Community Cashless Society Observatory, cashback would be able to generate over 9 billion euros of benefits for the country system by 2025, divided between direct and indirect effects (which would occur starting from 2023, the year in which the measure is expected to no longer be in force).
Download PDF"Women at work, the real deal. It's time to change your mentality"
by B. Calderola. The results of the dossier prepared by the Ambrosetti Club for the government. De Molli: the country is growing with them.
Download PDFThe Road Map for the Future for Food&Beverage: Changes and Challenges in the Years to Come
by B. Brioschi. Despite the photograph of a healthy and growing sector, Food & Beverage also suffered a significant impact following the COVID-19 crisis, recording a decrease in Value Added equal to -1.8% compared to 2019 (estimates by The European House - Ambrosetti presented in June 2020 had predicted this decline more than six months in advance).
Download PDFFood & beverage, the export challenge
by V. De Ceglia. The food & beverage industry is resilient to the crisis that all sectors of the economy are forced to face as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic. This is confirmed by the data contained in the report The European House - Ambrosetti "The Roadmap of the Future for Food & Beverage: what evolutions and what challenges for the coming years".
Download PDFWith a greater inclusion of young people and women, consumption increases of 47 billion euros a year
This is what emerges from the new edition of GAI, a study carried out by The European House - Ambrosetti which measures the attractiveness of a country through a variety of indicators.
Download PDFThe rebirth of trust
by V. De Molli. Now we must work hard to ensure that the growth path we are embarking on is solid and lasting, but also fair, shared and sustainable.
Download PDFThe optimism of companies accelerates the recovery
by V. De Molli. On the basis of the June figures, the winds of optimism are definitely stronger: the indicator regarding confidence in the current business climate has exceeded pre-crisis levels.
Download PDFInfrastructure, the delay in the works costs Liguria 700 million in damage
by G. Ferrari. The European House - Ambrosetti Report calculates the loss in value by 2023. Ports, energy industry and tourism are the keys to development.
Download PDFFrom emergency to sustainable relaunch: the contribution of the Private Label
by V. De Molli. The model developed by the consultants of The European House - Ambrosetti highlights that Private Label, in the broader context of Modern Distribution, is one of the key levers for the implementation of a new Company model that can guide the ongoing transition, placing the well-being of the individual at the center.
Download PDFCovid-19: lessons from Portugal and Greece to the EU to avoid another twenty-year stagnation
During the last edition of the Workshop "The Scenario of Economy and Finance", the case studies on Portugal and Greece were analyzed by The European House - Ambrosetti.
Download PDFSmart Factories Need a New Deal for 4.0 Competencies
Five proposals resulting from the study, “Skills and Competencies for Smart Manufacturing”, prepared by The European House – Ambrosetti in collaboration with Philip Morris Italia.
Download PDFG20, the next challenge is a plan to halt antibiotic resistance
by V. De Molli. Like pandemics, antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the top-10 challenges healthcare systems must face. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports this every year.
Download PDFItaly in 18th place for attractiveness and image
Italy is still behind in the rankings for economic attractiveness, according to 2020 data, in the Global Attractiveness Index.
Download PDFMade in Italy food products? They’re liked (but export must do better)
by V. De Molli. Our agrifood is worth three times more than France’s automotive sector and it has even held during the pandemic. Now it can become more competitive.
Download PDFFood sector, Made in Italy imitations are worth €100 billion around the world
by M. Cappellini. The future of Italy’s agrifood sector must include a greater capacity for exporting beyond Europe.
Download PDFShopping centers and distribution nodes of the restart
According to estimates by The European House - Ambrosetti, between now and the end of the year in the hypothesis that no new restrictions are applied, the reopening during the weekend could generate a potential turnover of 14.3 billion euros additional for specialized retail.
Download PDFPublic debt. Alliance against global tax evaders
by F. de Bortoli. The upcoming Global Attractiveness Index will also include an update of the effects of profit-shifting, i.e., the amount of corporate profits withheld globally from taxation in the country in which they were formally made.
Download PDFBig tax evaders the new enemies
by A. Puato. “Until now, tax incentives have been indispensable in orienting direct investments in countries,” writes de Bortoli, citing findings of The European House – Ambrosetti’s 2021 Global Attractiveness Index.
Download PDFSupply chain in search of capital
by F. Camaruti. Flavio Sciuccati, head of the Global Fashion & Luxury Unit of The European House – Ambrosetti, concluded by noting that another major challenge to be taken on as quickly as possible to render Italian fashion even more competitive is the attainment of a supply chain that is 100% sustainable.
Download PDFRelaunch of tourism and agri-food, the Ambrosetti meeting in Bormio
by E. Netti. The Food & Beverage Forum promoted by The European House - Ambrosetti will take place in Bormio on June 4th and 5th.
Download PDFIn search of the value of water
by P. Saccò. The European House – Ambrosetti has analyzed the value of water in Italy within the productive sector. Using an analytical approach that could be defined “industrial”, analysts concluded that in 2019, water as an economic resource enabled the generation of €310.4 billion in added value, i.e., 17.5% of Italian GDP.
Download PDFA 50% majoritarian system and constructive no-confidence
by V. De Molli. Twenty suggestions for improvement to overcome problem areas: in 20 years, Italy has had 21 governments and 13 different prime ministers.
Download PDFAfter hitting bottom, the wind of optimism blows
Analysts note a sudden and positive change in the orientation of the business community on investment and employment.
Download PDFCampania Venture. Companies for startups
by V. Fondi. Tecno and The European House - Ambrosetti together in a project to help innovative. Lombardi companies: the relaunch of our territory passes from the ability to create a system.
Download PDFThere will be a rebound, but to pre-crisis levels only in 2025
Going beyond the standard “shower of cash” to relaunch Italy. This was stressed by Valerio De Molli, CEO of The European House – Ambrosetti, during the 32nd “Finance Workshop” recently held in digital format.
Download PDFOptimistic wind blows for businesses
by V. De Molli. The strongest signs of confidence are recorded on the front of investments and business, less on employment.
Download PDFFrom Tecno to RDR, Campania companies on the hunt for patents
by V. Viola. Eight companies from Campania are hunting for startups to invest in. To do this, they relied on The European House - Ambrosetti, on the proposal of Tecno di Giovanni Lombardi, who created “Campania Venture” for them.
Download PDFCashback on a slow track: one card out of 10 attracted
by D. Aquaro. According to a survey by the Cashless Society Community, for 70% of Italians, the cashback has caused them to use e-payments more frequently and 39% says it has also led to an increase in consumption.
Download PDFFight against cashback, the party of the evasors raises its head again
by P. Gomez. According to a survey commissioned by the Community Cashless Society of The European House - Ambrosetti (in practice the operators in the sector), the level of satisfaction among Italians is very high.
Download PDFWater? It is worth 17.5% of GDP
Agriculture alone consumes 54%, as the new The European House - Ambrosetti White Paper, reveals.
Download PDFOur proposals for the economic revival of the country
Consistent with its mission, The European House - Ambrosetti to the competitiveness of the country system and the growth of a pro-business, pro-investment, pro-innovation culture.
Download PDFVenezia Giulia, laboratory of change
Venezia Giulia will be the laboratory of the change. That's what emerged from the study realized by The European House - Ambrosetti and The Chamber of Commerce.
Download PDFItaly urged to maximise use of EU Recovery Funds for water investment
by N. Weeks. At a meeting held on 29 January the VAI water forum assembled by Milan-based consultancy The European House – Ambrosetti discussed strategic and policy scenarios for the Italian water sector. The forum includes a wide range of business people, politicians and stakeholders across the whole supply chain.
Download PDFProfessional requisites: in banking, one board member out of six does not comply
by A. Greco. Study by The European House – Ambrosetti: in at least half of banking institutions, two/three administrators do not meet the norms indicated in the Italian “fit & proper” decree. But there is time until the boards are renewed.
Download PDFStrategic role of the retail sector in relaunching the nation
by B. Brioschi. The economic and social importance of the retail sector is much greater than what is perceived. If food and non-food distribution were a single sector, it would be the #1 economic sector in terms of turnover, added value, number of companies, employees and investment out of the 99 sectors surveyed.
Download PDFFrom the Silicon Valley to the naval district, Venezia Giulia rises from the crisis
by P. Fiumanò. In the report prepared by The European House – Ambrosetti, the competitive factors of an area that must focus on science, exports and the maritime economy.
Download PDFPaoletti: Venezia Giulia model for integrated development
by L. Degrassi. Presentation of the study, “Venezia Giulia 2025 – Strategies and actions for the competitiveness of Venezia Giulia”, prepared by the Venezia Giulia Chamber of Commerce together with the prestigious firm, “The European House – Ambrosetti”, leader in consultation and development of research scenarios.
Download PDFTest of integration among African economies
by A. Magnani. One of the goals of ACFTA is to increase the attractiveness of the continent for international businesses. Including Italian companies, although this perspective is a medium-term one before collaboration will bear fruit. This is the view of Marina Mira d'Ercole, consultant from The European House – Ambrosetti think tank.
Download PDF“Hydrogen and the sea are symbolic ideas for the city”
by F. Venere. The presentation of the masterplan, organized in collaboration with the Municipality of Taranto, Total and Tempa Rossa, was entrusted to Valerio De Molli. He illustrated the possibilities for companies to settle in the Ionian territory.
Download PDFA mobility hub to speed up the recovery of Varese
by V. De Molli. We have a unique opportunity to redevelop a former industrial area on the edge of the city, and to engage the productive and training system in the challenges for a sustainable, cutting-edge development of mobility, helping to restore Varese to its former splendor.
Download PDFCashback, families do the spending, but the State saves in the use of cash
by G. Balestreri. A Cashless Society study reports that by hooking into the European trend in the use of e-payments, Italy could save €1.5 billion immediately.
Download PDF“Bormio will be the agrifood capital”
by M. Quaroni. Bormio will be to the agrifood sector what Cernobbio is to the economy.
Download PDF“More infrastructure and civics education”
by N. Santonastaso. “Taking a new look at development policies by retracing the limits of growth—exactly as Covid demolished the long-standing North-South division of the country—must be a goal to pursue willfully and systematically,” suggests a detailed report by The European House – Ambrosetti dedicated to Italy’s south and the danger of failing to hook into the recovery.
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Silvia Lovati
Associate Partner; Head of TEHA Club