General Assembly of the Intermediterranean Commission
Villa San Giovanni (Reggio Calabria), June 29-30, 2023
About the Intermediterranean Commission of the CRPM
The Intermediterranean Commission is one of the 6 areas of geographic intervention of the CRPM, Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions.
Created in Andalusia (Spain) in 1990, today it gathers 40 regions of 8 EU Member States and other countries (Albania, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Morocco and Spain). Membership is open to all sub-national levels in the Mediterranean countries and represents a tool of peace, stability and development among three continents: Europe, Africa, and Asia. It works for the development of the Euro-Mediterranean dialogue and territorial cooperation, focusing on transport and integrated maritime policy, economic and social cohesion, water, and energy. Today, the Members are working to create a macro-regional strategy for the Mediterranean and promote a Mediterranean citizenship - also in the field of migration policies - by mobilizing the partners of the southern shores of the Mediterranean.
The General Assembly
Once a year, the Intermediterranean Commission holds a General Assembly, in which each region holds a vote for key political decisions and spending reviews. In 2023, the Assembly took place in Calabria, on June 30, with side events on June 29 and July 1st. In collaboration with The European House - Ambrosetti.
Documents from the Commission
Thursday June 29, 2023, 10.00 - 17.00
Reserved for MYC Members.
Meeting of the Mediterranean Youth Council, a group of young people aged 18 to 30 from all over the Mediterranean region, from Kosovo to Cyprus, Lebanon, Palestine, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Spain, Italy, and France. Through debates, awareness-raising initiatives and communication campaigns, the objective of the MYC is to promote the democratic participation of young people in the Mediterranean by fostering dialogue with local, regional, national and Euro-Mediterranean authorities.
Working language: English
Thursday June 29, 2023, 9.15 - 17.00
Reserved to working groups' members and invited guests
The working groups met to discuss together two issues:
- Integrated transport and maritime policies: fisheries, Nature Restoration Law, lagoon recovery, climate change, coastal zone management
- Macro-regional strategies and territorial cooperation: opportunities and potential synergies
Working languages: English, French, Italian
Session by Région Sud Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur and Région de Murcia
Innovating and cooperating for the implementation of the sustainable economy
Friday, June 30, 2023, 9.15 - 13.00
This Thematic seminar discussed the current state of implementation of maritime policies linked to the fulfilment of the sustainable blue economy in the Mediterranean, and key policy developments at Euro-Mediterranean level. Several topics were addressed, notably by the Regions, such as Innovation in key blue sectors, with their related funds and smart specialization strategies, and the Role of clusters and communities, and territorial cooperation.
Working languages: English, Spanish, Franch, Greek, Italian
Friday, June 30, 2023, 14.30 - 18.00
Reserved to the Commission's members and invited guests
The Assembly was introduced by Roberto Occhiuto, President of the Regione Calabria, and Catalina De Miguel, representative of the Junta de Andalucía, Acting Presidency of the Intermediterranean Commission.
Some of the discussed topics:
- Presentation and ratification of policy documents
- Election of the new President of the Intermediterranean Commission
- Presentation of the new action plans related to: transport and integrated maritime policy, territorial cooperation and macro-regional strategies, water and energy, economic and social cohesion
- Updates on European projects which the Commission is involved in and draft budget for 2024
Working languages: English, Spanish, French, Greek, Italian