The project aims to support the Puglia Region in a structured path of positioning - with the business community and the most relevant economic actors - as an attractive and competitive territory for the establishment of businesses, people and capital, through a path of:
- Construction, analysis and interpretation of a set of indicators for regional attractiveness summarized in a strategic monitoring dashboard inspired by the methodology of the Global Attractiveness Index of The European House - Ambrosetti
- Promotion and visibility of the positioning of the Puglia Region and its production system with the business community and the national education and research system
In 2024, the project, started in 2023, will continue with an updated Tableau de Bord and a new Position Paper, that will give a snapshot of the socio-economic situation of Apulia, with new insights into the pro-business characteristics of the territory, in particular the strategic skills of the Region meant to be a lever of development in the national and European context. As usual, the document will also contain guidelines for orienting public programming towards actions aimed at promoting the Region and boosting its strenghts.
The 2024 Focus Groups
In preparation for the presentation of the results, two parallel Focus Groups were organised on October 23, 2024 at the Apulia Region's headquarters, involving 40 business Leaders and Top Executives of local, national and international representatives and reference institutions.
- ‘Policies for the support of strategic supply chains with high technological content’: to identify tools and proposals to promote the growth of private business investment in areas and sectors with a strong ‘transformative capacity’ of the territory
- ‘Employment, particularly of young people and women, and its positive impact on social capital’: to outline, with the help of entrepreneurs, the challenges of the Apulian labour market.
The meetings benefited from the institutional interventions of Alessandro Delli Noci (Councillor for Economic Development - Apulia Region) and Gianna Elisa Berlingerio (Director of the Economic Development Department - Apulia Region), with the moderation of Cetti Lauteta (Associate Partner, The European House - Ambrosetti) and Serena Tundo (Area Developer Apulia Region, TEHA Group).
The 2024 Forum
Entitled #mareAsinistra, with reference to Apulia's regional strategy of talent attraction and valorisation, the Forum will be held on November 20, 2024 at the Fiera del Levante in Bari, involving around 150 business Leaders and Top Executives of the relevant local, national and international representations and institutions. On this occasion, we will present the study ‘The organisation, management and strategic communication of territorial attractiveness: the Tableau de Bord of Apulia’, which incorporates the ideas that emerged during the October Focus Groups.
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