Campania Technology Forum
The Campania Technology Forum is a platform for analysis and communications, created in 2017, whose mission is to contribute to the creation and acceleration of the development of the Campania research and innovation ecosystem and make Campania the barycenter of new development in the Mediterranean area.
In partnership with Campania Region
Naples, December 11, 2023 - Presentation of the Position Paper of the 2023 Technology Forum Campania
After the latest Forum, held on Septemebr 28, we presented the Position Paper of the 2023 Technology Forum Campania at the Campania Region offices (via Santa Lucia, 81, Naples). Vincenzo De Luca (President, Campania Region), Valerio De Molli (Managing Partner & CEO, The European House - Ambrosetti), and Valeria Fascione (Councillor for Research, innovation, and startups, Campania Region) showcased the results of the 7th edition.
For general inquiries
Organizational Secreteriat
For the press
Fabiola Gnocchi
Naples, September 28, 2023 - Technology Forum Campania 2023
In its seventh edition, the Technology Forum Campania is the platform for discussion and comparison of reference for public and private actors of the regional ecosystem of innovation, with the mission to contribute to the acceleration of the ecosystem of innovation and research in Campania and make Campania the center of gravity of a new development for the Mediterranean area.
The 2023 edition aimed to highlight the important steps forwards that the Campania's ecosystem has been making in terms of talent, avant-garde technologies adoption and Twin Transition for the continuous economic and industrial development of the Region.
In particular, with the opening of the European Year of Skills, the Forum intended to focus the debate on the importance of policies for the creation of competences. The Forum took place in the Aula Magna of the Technological Hub of the University of Naples Federico II, and was opened with a national and European vision on the Skills Challenge, followed by a focus on the challenge of talent in Campania's strategic supply chains.
- Presentation by Giovanni Acampora, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
- Presentation by Sylvain Bellenger, Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte
- Presentation by Simone Capeleto, ThinkQuantum
- Presentation by Oleg Mukhanov, SeeQC
- Presentation by Emanuela Palmerini, IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli
- Presentation by Andreas Schleicher, Directorate of Education and Skills, OECD
- Presentation by Simone Severini, Amazon Web Services
- Presentation by Maria Triassi, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
The Forum's annual activity has included:
- A position paper that maps the distinctive aspects and policies involving innovation and research in Campania within the national and European context (to be presented on December 2023)
- A regional roadshow for discussion among the corporate, research and academic worlds.
- An international forum to be held each year in Naples, which brings together (as speakers and attendees): a select group of businessmen and top executives of the most advanced and innovative companies in the Campania region and Italy; authoritative representatives of government and institutions, academia, science and technology parks, and research centers; and national and international opinion leaders.
July 13, 2023 - The frontier of cancer research in Campania
July 27, 2023 - Space Economy Challenge: European and national challenges and the role of the Campania Region
- Presentation by Valeria Fascione, Regione Campania
- Presentation by Massimiliano Arcieri, Planetek Italia
- Presentation by Renato Aurigemma, Consorzio SAM
- Presentation by Marco Casucci, ESA
- Presentation by Marco Di Tullio, Gmatics
- Presentation by Antonio Monteleone, NAIS
- Presentazione di Roberto Tartaglia Polcini, Mapsat
In partnership with Campania Region
This project has been realised within the "Piano Operativo Triennale per la valorizzazione, il rafforzamento e l'apertura dell'ecosistema regionale della R&I", managed by Sviluppo Campania on behalf of Regione Campania.