Friday, April 5 and Saturday, April 6, 2019 30th edition - Villa d’Este (Cernobbio)
The Outlook for the Economy and Finance 2019

Documentation and Speaking Points from the Workshop
- The numbers of the Finance Workshop 2019 – Infographic
- Degrowth, can it be happy? Opening Speech by Valerio De Molli
- Competitiveness of Europe and European Financial Markets – Panel contribution by Yves Mersch, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB
- Lettera Club 98 – Cashless transition in Italy: where we stand and what remains to be done for Italy
- Some economic forecasts: a comparative analysis
Papers and studies
- Ambrosetti Club Economic Indicator Forum 2019 - Has the Italian economic situation felt the effects of the summer crisis?
- Cashless Revolution: where we stand and what remains to be done for Italy 2019
- The banks of the future
- Position paper 2019 - Towards a hard Brexit: impacts and implications of an increasingly uncertain path
- Position paper 2019 - “The ratio of Italian public debt/GDP is currently -18% compared with the all-time high in the period after World War I"
Electronic Poll Results
- Corporate performance positive but economic growth and employment forecasts problematic: results of the first online survey
- Foreign investiment, for Italian businessmen Asia/Oceania is the most attractive area
- Propensity to invest rising, but political instability and Brexit could condition the business activity of Italian companies
- Financial services, Fintech can change the rules of the game
- Eurozone growth: solid the level of confidence in the future of European Union, Brexit surprise, that does not impact on company investment plans
- For Italian businessmen, without the single market, the Euro and European Institutions, member countries would be worse off
- Italian businessmen reject the actions of the government
National and International Press Review
- Il Sole 24 Ore – Le previsioni dei manager? Il PIL peggiorerà?
- Il Sole 24 Ore – Economia in frenata e politica distratta
- Il Sole 24 Ore – I pagamenti digitali si trasformano in valore economico per la PA
- Il Sole 24 Ore – La Globalizzazione “corrosa” spaventa economisti e imprese
- Corriere della Sera – La Brexit? Per adesso fa male soprattutto agli inglesi
- Corriere della Sera – Il livello record del debito, come ai tempi di guerra
- Bloomberg – Surveillance Special: The Ambrosetti Spring Workshop (Podcast)
- Bloomberg –Italy’s Situation Has Deteriorated Steadily in Past Few Weeks: Padoan
- Bloomberg – Former PM Monti on Italy’s Budget, China Relationship, Brexit
- Bloomberg – Italy’s Former PM Letta Says Strong Change Needed in Economic Policy
- Bloomberg – OECD Says 14% of Jobs Will Disappear in Next 10 Years
- Bloomberg – JPM’s Frenkel Says Interest Rates are as Low as They Could Ever Be
- Bloomberg – Nouriel Roubini Is Certain There Won’t Be a Hard Brexit
- Bloomberg – El-Erian Warns of Growing Costs, Risks of Negative Rates
- Bloomberg – Italy’s Forecasts Much Gloomier Than a Year Ago, Ambrosetti CEO Says
- Bloomberg – Hard to See EU Agreeing to June 30 Brexit Delay: Jim O’Neill
- CNBC Europe – Economist Jim O’Neill says his fears over China are at a 30-year high
- CNBC Europe – Italy faces a ‘worrying situation with no ideas for the future,’ former leader warns
- CNBC Europe – There are signs that the 10-year bull market for stocks is ending, Jim O’Neill says
- CNBC Europe – A ‘Japanization’ of monetary policy in Europe might not be such a bad thing, Nomura’s Koo says
- CNBC Europe – After China, the US will ratchet up trade tensions with the EU, OECD chief economist warns